

RELATIONSHIP ANXIETY & DISSATISFACION (especially (post)break-up syndrome, divorce/separation stress, dating apprehension; attachment styles): individual sessions.
treatment programs devised individually

I study how people function emotionally in technologically saturated environments. I am especially interested in technologically shaped forms of togetherness and emotional traditions under digitalism. I specialize in love with technologies and robot cultures – the way they impact human emotional cultures and cultural psychologies.
my work
This track of my research sprouted from my earlier work on cultural normalcy which led to my interest in emotional materiality and semiotics. That specific expertise developed further during my Fulbright Fellowship at The New School in New York (where I worked as a senior researcher) and oriented more towards critical posthumanism and cultural semiotics both slanted to sentient AI and the formation of emotional norms. I rehearse those problems through a variety of academic and creative projects or initiatives, including CCTS, NEST, Unhappy Ending Project, and my own research on future sensitive media and past love technologies.
More information can be found in my books and my other publications accessed via ORCID or ACADEMIA.EDU websites.

My books – academic and creative – revolve around love and togetherness, synthesizing cultural technologies and misconceptions of feelings and how they function in relationships. Believing that when it comes to love we have never been human and that love is an ensemble of codes we practice and enact, my writing rehearses post-cultural tropes of loving such as the unhappy ending, emotional error, artificial sentience, and emotional unconscious. A practitioner of traditional forms of writing (in poetry and fiction), I am also a proponent of textrapolation, a method of poetic experimentation based on the intuitive assemblage I employ for her cutout and stamp poems.
Europe +48608583425
USA: +1 (480) 865-6309
(leave a message via WhatsApp)